“Motivated Reasoning and the Ethics of Belief”
Philosophy Compass, Vol 17, No. 6, 2022. [link]
“Rationalization in the Pejorative Sense” (with E. Schwitzgebel)
Commentary on F. Cushman’s “Rationalization is Rational,” forthcoming in Behavioral and Brain Sciences. [abstract]
“Are School Debate Competitions Bad for Our Political Discourse?” (with F. Hovagimian)
New York Times (October 12, 2019). [link]
“Rationalization in Philosophical and Moral Thought” (with E. Schwitzgebel)
In Moral Inferences, eds. J. F. Bonnefon and B. Trémolière, (Psychology Press, 2017). [abstract]
For a summary, see: Rationalization: Why your intelligence, vigilance, and expertise probably don’t protect you.
“Beyond Replication: Misleading Reports of a Provocative Experiment”
At, Jan. 30th, 2013. [link]
“Sensation, Introspection, and the Phenomenal”
In Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Mind, eds. J. Ellis & D. Guevara (Oxford University Press, 2012). [abstract]
Introduction to Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Mind (with D. Guevara)
Eds. J. Ellis & D. Guevara (Oxford University Press, 2012). [link]
“Stroud’s Proposal for Removing the Threat of Skepticism”
In The Possibility of Philosophical Understanding: Reflections on the Thought of Barry Stroud, eds. J. Bridges, N. Kolodny, & W. Wong (Oxford University Press, 2011). [abstract]
“On the Concept of a Game”
Philosophical Investigations, Vol. 34, No. 4, October 2011. [abstract]
“The Significance of Radical Interpretation for Understanding the Mind”
In Dialogues with Davidson: Acting, Interpreting, Understanding, ed. J. Malpas (MIT Press, 2011). [abstract]
“Phenomenal Character, Phenomenal Concepts, and Externalism”
Philosophical Studies, Vol 147, No. 2, 2010. [abstract]
“Content Externalism and Phenomenal Character: A New Worry about Privileged Access”
Synthese, Vol 159, No. 1, 2007. [abstract]
“The Contents of Hume’s Appendix and the Source of His Despair”
Hume Studies, Vol 32, No. 2, 2006. [abstract]
“Color, Error, and Explanatory Power”
Dialectica, Vol 60, No. 2, 2006. [abstract]
“Thinking about Thinking about Thinking about Thinking (about Poker)”
In Poker and Philosophy, ed. E. Bronson (Open Court, 2006). [abstract]
“Colour Irrealism and the Formation of Colour Concepts”
Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Vol 83, No. 1, 2005. [abstract]
“Context, Indexicals and the Sorites”
Analysis, Vol 64, No. 4, 2004. [abstract]